Presentation Title:

From Research to Reality: How GenAI is Reshaping the Energy Landscape

Track B: Emerging Technologies and Renewable Energy

Session B2: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Tracking

Day 2  9:00 am



The energy industry faces a pivotal moment, with decades of research and analysis poised for transformation through advanced Generative AI (GenAI) models. This presentation bridges the gap between these worlds, unveiling a groundbreaking product suite that empowers informed decision-making and unlocks a sustainable energy future. Our core innovation lies in the seamless integration of traditional analysis and cutting-edge GenAI. A revolutionary RAG-based system ingests vast stores of energy-specific data, extracting its hidden knowledge and feeding it directly into a first-of-its-kind Energy Large Language Model (LLM). This LLM understands the intricate dynamics of the energy industry, generating solutions tailored to its specific needs. Imagine the possibilities: pinpoint accuracy in oil and gas production forecasting, real-time grid optimization, and personalized energy recommendations. Furthering its capabilities, the LLM’s core Transformer model unlocks temporal applications, enabling pinpoint energy demand forecasting, dynamic resource allocation, and resilient systems that weather market volatility. This journey from theory to practice is already yielding tangible benefits, with real-world case studies demonstrating cost reductions, improved efficiency, and a significant step toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. Join us on this journey as we explore how GenAI empowers informed decision-making and unlocks the immense potential of data in the energy industry, shaping a brighter, more sustainable energy landscape.