Presentation Title:
Implementing a Portfolio Approach to Decarbonization: A Fortune Global 500 Multinational Health Care Services Company Case Study
Track D: Thriving in the Clean Energy Transition
Session D2: Public and Private Partnerships Towards Emissions Reduction
Day 2 9:30 am
This American multinational health care services powerhouse stands as one of the top revenue generators in the United States. Renowned for its specialization in the distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical products, the company’s reach extends to more than 100,000 locations, encompassing over 90% of all US hospitals.
What truly sets this case study apart are its ambitious energy goals, which have garnered well-deserved praise. With a commitment to slashing scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by FY30, they’ve embarked on a comprehensive decarbonization strategy, beginning by optimizing their highest emitting sites in parallel with developing a comprehensive renewable energy procurement strategy. This journey has involved meticulous energy audits, thorough renewable energy assessments, the identification of innovative global energy conservation measures, and the integration of renewable energy sources into their operations. The next phase is the implementation of the identified global measures to realize emissions reductions and energy cost savings.
The company’s success lies in its collaborative, innovative, and comprehensive approach, offering a transformative solution for its sustainable business practices.