Presentation Title:

Where to Begin the Energy Efficiency Project

Track A: Implementing Energy Efficiency

Session A3: Comprehensive Energy Management

Day 1  2:00 pm



This comprehensive presentation aims to equip organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of energy management. By following this step-by-step process, attendees will be empowered to make informed decisions, optimize energy efficiency, and contribute to sustainable practices within their operations.


This presentation will provide a detailed roadmap for effective energy management, guiding organizations through the entire process from inception to optimization. The journey begins with understanding the current energy landscape, emphasizing the critical first steps to benchmark and establish a baseline for energy consumption and demand.

Following this initial assessment, the presentation will delve into the process of obtaining proposals from energy service providers and implementing benchmarked best practices. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) and how to tailor recommendations to specific organizational needs.

As organizations navigate the financial aspect of energy management, the presentation will offer insights into identifying rebates and incentives available in the market. Practical advice will be provided on arranging financing for proposed ECMs, ensuring that organizations can implement sustainable solutions without compromising financial stability.

To streamline the application process for rebates and incentives, the presentation will outline a systematic approach, identifying key stakeholders and detailing the application procedures. Special attention will be given to understanding eligibility criteria and optimizing the chances of securing financial support.

The final stages of the energy management journey will focus on measurement and verification (M&V) techniques to confirm the achievement of desired results. Participants will gain valuable insights into establishing robust monitoring systems and leveraging data analytics to track and validate energy savings.